Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Graphene

Wishful - I have taken issues with ZEN.  I have been booted off G's Board for so called "bashing".  So my rose colored glasses have been off for a very long time.  However, just go back 2-3 years and carefully read the NR's.  ZEN is way past the "lab stage" per many top notch 3rd parties.  I believe ZEN is nearing the end game and by that I mean being sold.  They will never themselves mine Albany.  They are showing the World what they have slowly but surely and as you can imagine some are skeptical as this is a very rare Graphite Resource.  No one wants to get burned (think Bre-X).

Once this resource is proven for various applications beyond a shadow of a doubt,  you will see someone make a bid for ZEN.

Probably a mining company (think Rio Tinto) as a large mining company would already have the permit expertise, manpower, machinery, financing to get the resourse out of the ground as quickly as possible.  Once they are convinced certain big markets are there the fun will begin.  Go ZEN!


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