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Message: it looks like...

George69 on SI just can't stop trying to stir up political trouble on the SI thread. his sanctimonious 'it just has to be said' is beyond arrogant. it is partisan hacks like him that will ruin that thread.

he seems to be the worst though. days have gone by as the political fighting has died down over there. but he thinks he has some type of responsibility to start things up again.

i think the only shot that thread has now is to ban the instigator. he's pro zen but his partisan comments make him a burden to the thread. he's a net negative no matter how positively he thinks of himself.

there are people from the other side of his political spectrum that may decide not to share some valuable insights that they may have because of the politics.

he doesn't care about the forum, he only cares about his self-aggrandisement. it doesn't get much more petty than that. this forum and the one on SI complement each other. it's a shame to have to lose either one.


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