Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: In the news

To all my Feline friends. This latest kerfluffyer regarding the masks from China does make Fluffy chuckle. Some of Fluffy's larger investments are in Canadian banks stocks. TD, RY, BMO, BNS. Fluffy was pondering what would happen if the National Bank of Somalia put out a news release saying they are insolvent. 

Would Fluffy call the CEO's of each Canadian bank stock he owns demanding they put out a NR saying that they have no involvement with the National Bank of Somalia? Fluffy believes this is nothing more than one small, single rain cloud appearing over head on a sunny day. It starts to rain, you run for cover under the front porch, get settled into a comfortable chair to wait out the rain, and just as you sit down it stops raining.  Goodness gracious Boys and Girls, relax, smile, enjoy the Easter Weekend. Cheers, Fluffy the Cat  

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