Message: Re: DISCHINO Microsoft Leads in disruptive tech!

During Q&A at the 8-29-13 SHM, when BLR questioned how many companies have looked at Nunchi, they agreed with him..."more than 50, less than 100, with many conducting DD."

"Many conducting DD" IMO means, they signed NDA's.

MSFT was mentioned in particular, just as an example of how long it takes for companies to determine if IP from others would be useful to them, saying "they get hundreds of requests per month." "We are the tail wagging the dog."

Anybody else remember this being said?

Whether this was an admission that MSFT was in fact conducting DD, was an assumption by us, but not a hard fact.

The question in my mind that day and since, why was their name even mentioned?

Then there MSFT's Cortana....hmmm?

Cloud computing, context awarness, personal assistant, privacy, security...the internet of things...where is all this going and will we have a place in the mix?

I'll have GUIDO make a trip to Redmond, WA.

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