Message: Re: Opinion Appeal Out-- 108 Reversed!!!
Nov 19, 2014 03:23PM

Thanks again Doni for your insight!

Without your detailed understanding of the technical workings I don't think that many of us would be able to follow along the path that you have continually shown to us!

There is an end or should I say ( a beginning ) in sight thanks to the deliberate approach of and Handal!

From now on pateince and trust should be the motto!

This what I was getting at with the evu thing. Without a positive 2nd direction to pursue fianancially / revenue wise, the decision to cut evu free would look very negative for the company... no matter what anyone says.

I think that Edig knew that they had gotten the decision and annouced the cutting free of evu at the correct time as the good ( GREAT ) news was at hand.

Great news Fred & Edig / Handal Thanks!

imo vic

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