Message: Greetings from Lucky Stiff

Hello All,

I have been lurking here for a few months and I figured it would be nice to introdue myself. First, I would like to thank the regular contributors to this forum that add such great findings, research and educated opinion. It is greatly appreciated, thank you. To be honest, other thar some positive vibes, there is not much technical support I can add.

My personal journey with edig goes back to the end of 1999 and Napster. You probably recall the plethora of "Top Songs" of the century lists that many publications were putting out at the time. Figuring that Napster would not last long (I was right) I spent a couple of nights downloading a large number of files from those lists. After finding myself with hundreds of new icons on my desktop, I discussed organizing these files with a co-worker. He eventually brought up edig (Jim, if you're out there, would it have killed you to mention Apple it that conversation).

Like any good roller coaster, things escaleted quickly and then things got scary. I made some, but like many, in the end I held on too long (aka being greedy). Over time I sold off and stopped paying attention. When the recession came, I got rid the small amount of shares I had left and that was it.

Until this August. I never blocked/stopped getting the quarterly email. For some reason, after not reading that email for over a decade, I opened it. And what do I see? A profit! Holy Crap! So I bought some shares (I justified this in my mind by commiting to never enter a casino, 7-11 or play the lottery ever again).

Anyway, I have added to my position over the last few months and am excited for a new and improved ride with edig. Hopefully this is more of a one way ticket to mars, than a roller coaster. Best Wishes.

-Lucky Stiff

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