Message: Pacer: e.Digital Corporation v. iSmart Alarm, Inc.

Dischino.... Well, IMO, if Handal settles cases with big dollar settlements plus royalities for years to come with the NUNCHI Patents... we will have a money making machine on our hands. Thats the difference this time around... the length of the patents plus royalities. I mean think of it... the number of devices that are using the NUNCHI patents are almost mind boggling. Honestly, Handal has just started filing the NUNCHI Infringement CASES. I imagine the number of cases will be increasing exponentially once the strength of the NUNCHI patents has been determined. I just hope they are as STRONG as I believe them to be. If so....


Then, if everything starts rolling along as I hope, e.Digital will not need to litigate, we will just have HANDAL negotiate licensing and royalities. I wonder what that kind of deal would be?



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