Message: After the good news of the day I am sorry to see the negativism here.

After the good news of the day I am sorry to see the negativism here.

posted on Dec 22, 2005 12:16PM
Perhaps we could have digested the PR and given it one more day of sunny feelings before reverting to what is rapidly become an Ihub and a place at which I am coming close to not participating. However.....One more shot....

I just returned from spending two hours with Mr. Will Blakely and RP. WB is a very quiet person. He has none of the characteristics of RP. He is about 6 feet tall with sandy to blonde hair medium length. It is combed straight back over the ears and on top and he has a full, blonde, mustouche. (My description) He looks as if he were in a bathing suit he would have a surf board in his hands. He is slim but well built. He looks as if he works out to keep in shape and he is in very good shape. He appears to be in his late forties to very early fifties. (My amateurish profile)

I asked him why and how he arrived at EDigital. The how is interesting in that he came on the recomendation of 4 or 5 Edigital engineers he had worked with in the past and who KNEW HIM WELL. He talked with his ``friends`` and did his DD on the companies product and the marketplace for that product. He is highly optimistic that what EDigital has to offer is in demand, or will be, with no competition and is a quality product the likes of which does not exist at present. I tried to engage him in conversation about using his ``contacts`` from his other employements but he would not go there but from the tone of the conversation I feel those contacts are being used. He was serious and as RP states a dedicated ``workaholic`` and Edigital is very, very happly to have him. I did not get any startling new info from him, as I knew I wouldn`t, but did feel a confidence that the man knew what he was doing and very much intended to make a success of EDigial and sees that success very close at hand. As he put it to me ``I didn`t come over here to oversee a failing company`` He presents an entirely different face to the world as head of EDigital. That is the reason ATul left the company, his decision or the BOD`s. Even RP was straigtforward on that one. Atul was a great engineer but simply did not project the face of what Edigital was trying to show, mainly due to the fact ``that nobody could understand him``.

All in all my initial impression of WB was highly favorable.

I played with the only functioning eVu in existance. Both the eVu and the Dp were placed side by side and even a ``techno challenged`` person like myself could see the startling difference. While the DP`s picture was fine the picture on the eVu just jumped out at you. Clear and presice. The controls were entirely different and much easier to use. It has a 40Gig hard drive and a 10 hour plus battery. A complete step up from the DP. I asked how it had been received at this early stage of its unveiling and RP said ``the phone is ringing off the hook`` from the ``CUSOMERS`` WE HAVE that were just waiting for it to be available.

I notice his use of the word, cusomers. I asked if these were people who had just expressed an interest or people ready to buy. WB said we have 100 units coming in very shortly and they are all allocated out to those customers. We will be receiving orders from those customers in the latter part of January and will be shipping 4 to 6 weeks later.

All of us on this board have been discussing the ``trial`` at some hospital of the eVu but we were, at least I was, incorrect in that assumption. This for the MEDeviewer, which is still named that for the hospital trade. The eVu will the be the name going to other areas such a ``rental outlets``, etc....(the rental car area and hospital are the two venues being worked on at this point) RP S

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