Message: 10K

 Thanks for posting that...  I've been meaning to ask about strike price on those options... It gives a little bit of a hint as to what young Mr Packer is expecting to make on this deal...


I'm going to assume that he's getting next to nothing outside of the options...

So then,  if I'm reading the document correctly and if he wrangles a deal for say $0.50/share his take home on the deal is just shy of 70k, at 75 cents that goes to 108k and at a dollar he'd be getting just shy of 150k -- somebody might want to check my math on that. I'm guessing at middle of the road tax brackets for Fed.  I would guess he'd take what he can get but depending on how much time he's putting in to the project I'd have say he'd want at least 50 cents a share as a bottom line.  I'd like maybe double that but I'd settle for 50 cents I guess.  I'm a little more optimistic now that I've seen the options price.


Thanks again for the information!

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