

posted on Nov 03, 2008 02:49AM

I cannot remember, ever, witnessing such a negative and dirty campaign as this one, for the last TWO years!! Everyone is talking about it, everyone seems obsessed. The media is on drugs, so it seems.

At a sports pub I frequent, with guys I have known for 20 years give or take, we have lived by the rule in a bar...never to discuss politics or religion. The no politics rule, has been broken and it has caused many arguements.

Yesterday, watching NFL games, two young guys got into a scuffle over who would be the best President. It got pretty physical and it took four of us "old timers" to break it up. Never seen this happen at this place over an election....

Everyone is on edge these days. Economy, inflation, jobless rate, the oh wonderful stock market and lost 401K's, equity of our homes all but wiped out or even upside down, the American Dream more like a nightmere and so on.

What ever happens after Nov 4th, the next President is going to have a full plate of problems. A no win situation.

If JM wins he will be critisized for four years. If BO wins, ditto.

My 83 Lb Standard Poodle is the smartest living thing I know. He does not discuss politics or religion, and just likes to be petted and loved.

I sure hope millions have read the posts in here, so we can pick on John for the next four years...make the eight!!

Back to more important things like EDIG come Wed.

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