Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Northern Dynasty's Pebble deposit "not commercially viable"

Seems that NDs RT thinks a few rebuttals will clear the fog.  Of course he is right in that Pebb is a GIANT.  Sometimes you just have to let a giant sleep and in this case this GIANT needs a long nap (IMO).  This boggles me mind in that with the recent close relationship of RT with JB that the standoffish attitude lingers from the RT side of the CRAPS table.  Just like a CASINO RT may play his hand out too fast and that bothers me that HE will push push and push thePebb.  We get it and he does not.  Retreat isnot a failure in battel it is a tool and a strategy.  Perhaps the "MONSTROUS ZEAL" is consuming a good bit of his focus and concentration as one can fall into a trance and be mezmorized by a situation, about the same as one reacts after a car crash and it stuns your mind to be at the scene and yet detached in the moment.  One of my best book readings was North to the KLONDIKE".  The GOLD was there and it was literally everywhere "FREEGOLD"!  Men were possessed with it and gave everything to find and spend their GOLD (?).  They would give an ounce of GOLD for a glass of beer, an ounce for shoelaces and in the BARs, well i wont go there.  However that mindset was their downfall because they were all for the pickings of the Sharks, just let me leave it at the and say that RT is surrounded by Sharks, and these Sharks will whittle him down into dust in his mind.  Put the Pebb on mothballs and go looking for any good project in which he will not need to be continually on guard, then he will be the project guy that he always was and is.  So unless he can regroup it will be ND anon anon anon anon.  Hence my handel "King Yukon"!

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