One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: How Long ...?

Good advice re counting days. Omagine has always said that as soon as material information develops, they would and do share it ... usually via an 8k. And that's been management's MO. So no 8k only means they haven't heard back from their auditors. I do know they have 3 to align with (PwC), one for LLC and another for Inc.

My guess is that the recently concluded EID has delayed the local auditors in getting back to LLC. After all these years, am still not used to the usual delays in that part of the world.

I wonder if I'd be able to delay paying my hotel bill if/when I go to visit Oman ...? Hmm, something to consider down the road. But I digress and jest.

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