patented technology to grow and expand adult Stem Cells

Adult stem cell development company commencing clinical trials applicable to estimated $30 billion degenerative disease market place

Message: Yes, even the 15's are fairly close

Yes, even the 15's are fairly close

posted on Apr 30, 2007 06:02AM

Did you have a Good weekend?

Angelwish answered 56 email requests.

EDIGOKIE > about 2/3's were Doctors and medical researchers who watch this board. Our email address was more like a chat room, Angel made some new friends as they talked back and forth about the excitement of Pluristem's technique's and advances. It was great to see her combine her stock knowledge and her medical together. She wanted me to thank all of you.

I think it would be Great to hear from some of you on the board about what you all as professionals in this feild have to say, it would add a great facet to this board that other boards don't have. It would be Great.

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