Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Corporate Presentation, Dec.2023, taken down

The December presentation was up for all of maybe 4 weeks and suddenly disappeared, maybe some might know Why but I sure don't. it was flagged as 'one of top undeveloped projects', still doesn't matter its gone for now, maybe new info needs to be added,

If I recall correctly there were a number of fault splays to the Island Garden Fault, [igf] along the SW and NE sides of the IGF. Numerous of these structures are parallel to the IGF so maybe there might be more especially on the east side where intrusive rock is mapped. Any such structure in the intrusive where the VTEM anomaly exist is probably due to sulphides [like pyrite] and not gold. But the pyrite could well be associated with gold and this ties things together. A further point that could be positive being the southern end of the Courvan gold zone is underlain by intrusives, could be a similar formation but whatever, gold is where it is, structure and associated minerals are important.


for the record I bought Probe Mines shares at 10 cents and the new Probe at 38 cents, this will date my time under Dr Borden leadership. I intend to stay the course until the end

I recall there was one comment from the Presentation that notes 5 of the New Target Areas were drilled in 2023  [that doesn't include the VTEM area]  and results are pending.

Best to all, mh

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