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Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: China trip
Islands, if those are Jeff's exact words lady's and gentlemen wake up as shareholders since when does Lori pick and choose who pays you your money. Stop with our heads in the sand this woman has an agenda that she does not give a crap about us. We have votes, we have to PROTECT our investments and this company. She lives like a rock star right now and we are letting her. If you saw her at the AGM on Friday night you know exactly what I mean and saw. This is becoming way to apparent what she is doing. Conspiracy theories my butt, she will ruin this company and if I get banned for this so be it. Wake up everybody that is out of Jeff's mouth they are tied at the hip. She is becoming way to scary for me something has to be done before its to late. This is not just my opinion read the form a lot of you are with me, but I will say it. VOTE!!!!
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