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Message: Gold vs Oil

The statigy drilling for oil verses the statigy to prove up a gold claim are not anything alike.

1) If an oil company drills a well on land it owns there objective is to find oil, they will flow the well and monitor the draw down pressures, water/oil ratio among other things. In most cases the history in the area will tell them if more wells are needed for drainage and reliable reserve calculations will be made based on the draw down etc.

2) Junior mining company has no intention of mining so it is imperitive to prove the content of the entire property, not just prove you have gold in the sweet spot. Therefore you will be drilling a grid of holes and yes you can delete some areas if you trust the geophysics.

3) Gold is not mobile like oil and therefore each core only shows you a very small snapshot. To make things more difficult we are looking for parts per million. The phase 2 Quantec images that I seen show sulfides almost everythere so I think it is obveous why the drilling program was doubled. Lori has no intention of drilling a couple holes in the anomaly and saying OK thats it were done. She will know exactly what we have before she goes into the action ring.

4) Tesoro has a surface area of 20,240,000 sq/meters. 11 drill holes will cover an area of 0.222 sq/meters. The fact that they all have gold is very encouraging to me and if you look at Mrs Crammers information I am very comfortable with my investment. Look at the post Vee put in the link library "Recommended High Priority Drill Targets" he overlayed them on a map showing the anomaly and a lot of holes are not anywhere close to the anomaly, yet these are called PRIORITY targets.

The fat lady isn't singing yet my friends. But WTF do I know.

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