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Message: Outragious!

I apologize for my incorrect post. Murray was referring to the first 10,000 m and not the complete 20,000 m so this gives everyone a better indication of the time for completion of the two drills part of the surface program.

I also want to refer to Boots' charts brought up by the Wells Fargo economist re the price of gold relative to long term US bonds etc. First of all Wells Fargo is no longer a great bank, partly due to the US treasurer forcing them to take out loans when the banks didn't want them. The sec'y of the treasury needed this for the Quantitative easing (QE) program. The Bank of America had to take over some of Wells' assets to keep them out of bankruptcy, so their present rating is so-so.

Since the US dollar is down to $ 0.79 the price of gold is naturally stronger and I don't interpret that chart as being oversold at all, but I'm not an economist!

Last week the Dutch government collapsed re objecting to further support of the Euro, and I do interpret that as the first real sign of the Euro collapse and a stormy summer. This in turn is another strong indication for further flight from fiat currencies to gold, and a better price for us down the line.

I might add that gold @ $5000.00 per ounce is not that unrealistic since perhaps the only way out of the world wide mess would be for all the countries to default and go back to the gold standard. The 40 year experiment of fiat currencies is an imploding nightmare!

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