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Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Re: No lump of coal from Santa here...

Santa have you been awake the last 2 years? Im not going to sugar coat that I feel you are yet another wolf in sheeps clothing. Maybe im wrong , but i doubt it. You appear from nowhere and suddenly are a regular poster who puts far more time and effort into their comments then only a select few. You bring comments that hint ever so gently to managements misunderstood or wrongfully obtained reputation. When people in power do everything they can get away with, at the expense of shareholders trust, it is not ok with me. Because something may be difficult to prove, does not mean it is not obvious to the masses, especially with respect to a reputation amoung those invested, as far as honorable character is concerned. The character shown is evident and its ludicrous to have a BOD as such in power in my opinion. Especially when the majoritys preference was so obviously expressed..and sluffed off on a technicality that really had nothing to do with why people voted how they did imo. Instead of looking for someone to prove to you something was done wrong, why dont you try to support whats right and look for yourself. ..or would that be counter productive? You will have to forgive biased opinions at this point. Someone has been trying to sht on us for too long and now were trying to flush. Unfortuantely we are left with a big cow pie mess to clean up. There will be no convincing anyone here that any slight option is not better then the current one. I realize you havent yet attempted to do this but dont think people don't see where you're going. If there is anyone who believes sticking it out with the current leadership is the best option please speak up so the pros and cons can be discussed. I believe that could be the best scenerio. Honestly I do.. once every other possible scenerio no matter how slim the chances of success..fails. Until then. Go green purple blue pink whatever...imo

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