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Message: Attention, Registered Shares

As a suggestion, it may be a good precautionary measure for investors anticipating attending the AGM this year, to have registered share certificates in hand. As we know, last year, shareholders were expelled from attending the AGM because of not having their shares registered. It was/is, within the laws, for Lori to not allow shareholders into the AGM last year because of this, though I might add, that trading companies rarely ever exercise this contradictory right they have, because it takes away rights from the shareholders.

The shares you hold in digital accounts, meaning any shares that you do not have a paper certificate for, are not eligible to qualify you to attend AGM,s, if the Executive chose to exercise the option. The shares you hold in these digital accounts, don,t actually belong to you, they actually belong to the banks or financial institutions that are HOLDING them for you. The only secure and legal entitlement to these shares, is to get them registered and have the actual share certificate of paper, that shows you own these shares. With this ownership paper in hand, you cannot legally be denied the right to enter the AGM. You may have as little as one share on a certificate, to entitle you to enter the AGM, but the cost to register the share, may be around $50, where you may wish to register 1000,s of shares, for the same price of a certificate.

This is also how banks can use your shares against you to short with, because you don,t actually own the rights attached to shares, the bank holds the rights. It is more of a good will gesture by the financial institutions that allow you to vote proxies, but legally, and if challenged, the financial institutions really have the say, if you vote the shares held in these holding acounts, or they do.

Furthermore, this is why when any institution goes bankrupt, that victims are only ever paid pennies, or less, on the dollar, for any shares of companies they own with the failed institution. The failed institution, has the right, or the disposition agent, to sell all assets and divy up the proceeds left, between victims. If you actually owned your shares in these digital accounts, bankrupt financial institutions would have to give you your full amount of shares, and you would not lose parts of your portfolio, but, whereas you DO NOT OWN them in digital accounts, it purveys the right of ownership, elsewhere.

For disclosure purposes, I have registered my shares a long time ago.

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