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Message: TTAGIT

Thanks for keeping the news coming Molson.

I'm not shooting the messenger here but I sure get tired of our financials going off on non gold exploring tangents like this(really, social media??). I suppose we're still in the "curvey fashion" business also.

In this unsophisticated investor's opnion, our money should be going to drilling(did we ever get full disclosure on Tesoro drilling results?), strategy, and promotion of our gold exploration.
Too late now.

I see on the latest AGM news that the leopard wants to change its spots. Also we're invited back to the Lions den for the meeting. No matter the outcome I can't see any smart investor watching these antics wanting to touch anything with those claw marks on it. IMO

Oh well, keep your travel and lodging cancellation insurance going, don't forget your cerificates and.............. smile at security.


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