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Message: Comical To Watch - Apple's iWatch

Decade Resources has been around for years, I used to trade it. And yes, their stock was manipulated way back then and without looking, the promises they made and their presentations, should have made them a valuable stock by now. There stock may be valuable now, I didn,t look, but the things is, yes, there were huge games played in the trading and manipulation of the stock price, several years ago. All games to take peoples money, and the governments support and secure these illegal actions by not enforcing laws they tell the people are in effect to assure this pillage will not happen. Wake up people, get out of the system, stop feeding the system and governments the money, that allows them to keep the facades in place.

With about 22 million tax payers in Canada, just by paying $5 in taxes each year, enables 110 politicians to enjoy 1 million dollar pensions per year, while your pensions are low and you are constantly deprived of your monies through government ploys. I believe its a no brainer by now that not only does the government rob you by taxation, but also has been successful in helping deprive many of you here of vast amounts of money, by the government intentionally ignoring ALL requests for help despite the incontestible evidence.

The protests are growing and accelerating as more awaken to the blatant pillages, with every dollar less these corrupt institutions, like governments receive, the weaker they become, and must act to a change that will insert justice and equality.

Rick Jewers

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