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Message: A Hint at More TO Come

As Mrscramer said,
''To guide me in whether I should increase my holdings in SLI, I enlisted the help of a close friend, a former business owner, who has over 40 years of experience in mining. He spent days looking at all the historical data, reading the 43-101 reports written on the Property by both John Brophy and Paul Gray. He then analyzed the Quantec report for me.

Guess what conclusion he came to??''

Like wise myself I have a close friend that is a geo. that has the same opinion of the historic data,and stated immediately after the release of the drill results ''These drill results are / were BS,this is a fricken mine,WTF is going on!'' Needlessly to say I never sold any shares,but did buy more,actually the last fifty thousand shares sold I bought them on june 23/2014,just minutes before the halt ,and some how,for some reason it was made to appear that these shares were bought by four different buyers, don't know what that was all about?
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