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Message: Obstruction of Justice by RCMP/BCSC

One does not have to think or analyse very far with the SLI saga and the non action by authorities, to see, that the authorities are actually committing a crime, the obstruction of justice.

 They have, and continue, to intentionally conceal important information/documentation /findings from the SLI investors. This is fully jeopardizing the SLI investors rights on so many fronts and is preventing them from receiving justice, hence, obstruction of justice.

 In cases like this, law suits must be launched outside of the country perpetrating these injustices, much like the way, MSX is currently doing so. When the law suits are launched outside of a country, it also allows for a more direct prosecution of individual employees within these authorities. What I am saying is, that All employees of any and all authorities connected with this SLI saga, are not immune from International prosecution. They may be prosecuted on many of their acts as well as their non actions. Although they may have taken oaths to the Queen, they are still Internationally obligated to the peoples of this planet, and MUST not partake in any illegal suppression/oppression.

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