Ceased Operations May15, 2009

Message: Vyta Director of Corporate Development Still on Probation for SEC Violation

No Explanation?

posted on Sep 23, 2009 10:04AM

Hi Everyone,

I'm curious about the demise of Vyta.

Why have there been no explanations by Paul (or anyone else associated with the company) about the failure of this company and the loss of our investment?

I don't think about Vyta too much any more. I still feel betrayed. I still feel like the loose regulatory system allowed many of us to get fleeced. I know a lot of us lost a great deal of money. Good thing there were so many faithful who believed success was just around the corner... it paid Paul's salary for years.

The Brunetti deal was, in my opinion, orchestrated to mislead potential investors. I never viewed any information the same after I learned that at the time the private placement was being offered, the County of Los Alamos had stayed the infrastructure contractor that was being promoted by the orchestrators of the investment. I didn't learn of those facts until after the fact. I never did understand how that was legal. In my opinion, it sure wasn't ethical. I vowed never to consider anything stated by the Company to be fact without solid back-up information. That's the reason for all of my skeptical posts, particularly in response to new investors who said I was wrong.

I guess this is probably nothing more than a memory to many... a bitter memory to those of us who lost a great deal of our savings or retirement money. I will never again trust anyone who can't back up their statements with fact. We'll have to wait to see if the old saying about what goes around, comes around, is true, or not.


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