Welcome To The Canstar Resources Inc HUB On AGORACOM

Exploring For Gold and Base Metals

Message: Re: Fundamentals led, stock jump suggests drilling success..


you have been through the wars with Probe and Canstar, with much success. Maybe you could help me with two questions:

First, geopysical images in the new presentation look like a high correlation between surface samples/channel cut data and the subsurface views. How much of your confidence in successful drill results comes from this new geological view?

Second, the property oulines show what seems to be gaps in Canstar's position. Am I interpreting that right? If so, are they looking to add to their land position?

I'm delighted to see someone with your experience confident about the prospects for both Canstar and Probe Metals. Sounds like we followed similar reinvestment strategies with the Goldcorp proceeds. To a successful outcome! Hope some of our old friends from the Probe site did likewise, and will begin commenting more actively.


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