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Exploring For Gold and Base Metals

Message: Re: Fundamentals led, stock jump suggests drilling success..


On page 7 of the 2017 Canstar Investor Presentation we have the following statement:


Mineralization has found to be associated with deformation zones believed to be related to their proximity to contact with nearby pluton.


Deformation zones are areas where we have faults in the geological structure. A nearby pluton is an intrusive rock that is best described as “fossilized magma chamber.” If you study how gold deposits are formed you know that hydrothermal activity will heat ground water, under tremendous pressure, and force it to the surface or near surface. The path of least resistance for the superheated fluid is through faults in rock structure. As the fluid cools the minerals are deposited and you form structures such as quartz veins. The superheated fluid also caries gold as it rises through the faults. The gold and other minerals are concentrated in the faults over time. I believe this is what the statement on page 7 implies. How much gold? We need to drill.



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