Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

Developing large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources

Message: From VRA newsletter
I have no beef with your recollection of the time the editor declared Falcon to be TSOTC. I know the VRA editor well and he was/is a Bruner fan. I'm decidedly not. The charge for the VRA includes various stock and ETF picks and options strategies. Sometimes the editor is correct and others not, which is typical. Right now he is on a roll of winners. I've been burned by some recommendations but scored on others. The report was old information and distributed a while ago. To be clear, I'm not pumping the VRA and wasn't the one who brought it up. Anyone taking potshots at the editor is welcome to his or her own opinion. Just trying to add something to the discourse while we wait patiently and impatiently for news on our beloved company. And in retrospect, it appears I added nothing because I was apparently wrong on my point of clarification. So I will go back to the corner, count my shares and wait. Patiently. In closing, I appreciate this board, the various viewpoints and the knowledge of most posters. Best regards.
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