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Message: one more thing about Earl.....

Earl I hope your intentions are positive towards GNH, and I really hope that you are trying to HELP GNH rather than HARM GNH. however I have problems trusting people who have had charges of criminal harrasment filed against them. It appears that when you don't get your way, its not good for those people that get in your way.

Here is the link to the lawsuit, for a better understanding of our friend Earl, you should all read this to understand the man better, when he doesn't get his way this is what he did:


Taken from the internet in one of your lawsuits, direct quote from the judge in this case:

By sending repetitive and harassing emails, Earl (Takefman) provoked the Biers into going to the police and filing complaints against him,” Justice Marcotte wrote in her 50-page ruling. “When they did, he wrote emails to inform friends and acquaintances of the circumstances of his arrest and publicly attacked the Biers, knowing that these emails would become viral. He reminded these friends and acquaintances a year later and pursued his disparaging campaign.

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