Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: ridiculous talk of ownership.. What is ridiculous is the superficial

All the news, pacers etc has SELL written all over it. U have one heck of a mental filter to come up with the notion that FUD is driving this thing into the toilet.

we are not at .01 yet because the long time shareholder is on their own 1 yard line and is praying for a "hail mary pass" to bail us out. And, no FUD....we are on our own 1 yard line because the over compensated worthless BOD has fumbled the ball for 10 consecutive years......

Amazes me that their is still this miindset that the last 10 years have all been a FUD campaign for cheaper shares. u read the pacers provided and u still believe in the FUD theory.....really?????


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