...We Welcome You To The Resverlogix HUB withIn The AGORACOM COMMUNITY!


Dear Agoracom Family,

I want to thank all of you for your patience with us over the past 48 hours and apologize for what was admittedly a botched launch of our new site.

As you can see, we have reverted back to the previous version of the site while we address multiple forum functionality flaws that inexplicably made their way into the launch.

To this end:

1.We have identified 8 fundamental but easily fixable flaws that will be corrected in the coming week, so that you can continue to use the forums exactly as you've been accustomed to.

2.Additionally we will also be implementing a couple of design improvements to "tighten up" the look and feel of the forums.


George et al

Message: One asterisk or two?

I will be.....I always check in and see what's being said, but on Good Friday I was out most of the day, at church for a 10:30 service and the weather was so spectacular we walked, then out to brunch followed by a walk back home....then another couple hours walking through a provincial park.  I was out most of the day Saturday as well.....at my sister's for a family get together.  Tomorrow (now today, but for me the day changes over when I wake up) its the Easter service and a quiet relaxing day.

The one thing that I find curious...its the EAS, I don't see how they can juggle the expense of airfare and hotel accomodations as well as the other sundry expenses that go along with it.  I hope they're not flying United in any case ;-)

You're right though....if there is something coming we won't know about it until Monday at the earliest.  And even if I wanted to add some more shares I can't do that until Monday either.

Happy Easter tada and to everyone else here....this is a special time of year, regardless of any religious significance.  

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