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First Explorer at the "Ring of Fire" and presently drilling on the "BIG DADDY" Chromite/Pge's jv'd property...yet we were robbed

Message: repost my prediction to JohnD Mar 6th 3:56pm, still holds with me :)

repost my prediction to JohnD Mar 6th 3:56pm, still holds with me :)

posted on Apr 04, 2008 11:30AM

"Couldn't agree more Johndefur. If you are playing anomolies, you either buy FWR or SPQ or KWG depending on your preferences. KWG gets you the diamond subsidiary spinoff tax free shares soon, SPQ gets you a bigger piece of the UC JV pie with UC-KWG-SPQ and FWR gets you in Windfall and the 100% owned claims adjacent to the JV FWR-SPQ-KWG claims (with the spectacular anomolies mentioned by John).

The drills start TOMORROW 7th of March, on that FWR-KWG-SPQ JV with those anomolies and previously discovered high Chromium hit on only hole drilled. I think if you buy any of the 3, you will see substantial gains in the next 4-5 weeks. They drill for all of next week and week after, the labs turn them around in 2-3 weeks with new info from Kelsee about Thunder Bay lab running 24/7 and by first or second week of April, could have doubles on all three of these, just as you all saw on PRB, FNC, NOT the past month. I will never talk bad about any of these stocks mentioned, I have owned them all and some I still do, some I don't. BMK is one I don't own anymore, but it has beautiful memories forever with me, among others."

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