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First Explorer at the "Ring of Fire" and presently drilling on the "BIG DADDY" Chromite/Pge's jv'd property...yet we were robbed

Message: New Bidder Competitor

Another theory might be that KWG & Cliff’s have come to an agreement behind closed doors) to work together & have SPQ bought out?

Stay with me here… Just wanted to see if anyone else was thinking along the same lines?

NN of SPQ, seems to me, is also playing hard ball here too. There is no way he plans on selling this cheap or going out quietly as RN did of NOT! Who would know that better than their partner of 20 yrs., KWG! But as in the TV game show Survivor goes, you need to have an alliance to stay in the game.

So, KWG & Cliff’s were pretty tight before this take over offers of KWG & SPQ by Cliff’s.


1. Cliff’s approx. 20% buy in for cheap on KWG - $3,000,000

2. Formation of Canadian Chrome & the Railway claims that keep KWG in the picture.

To mention a couple. Cliff’s still need that railway BTW! So why go after SPQ?

So lets just say KWG & Cliff’s realize they need to get NN & SPQ to consolidate. How would you go about it?

Maybe take advantage of the latest down turn in the European economy to show the 50% + increase in the lame .13 offer for one of SPQ or the KWG. Divide & conquer? Obviously the best way for the two comp’s. to fend off this attack is to merge. So they KWG & SPQ announce it! Letter of intent is released to merge. If I were Cliff’s, at this point, I just might try to make it look like KWG betrayed me by pulling back from the KWG offer. Which doesn’t make any sense to me, as they were just in bed together three weeks ago!

So, Cliff’s, puts more enfaces on the SPQ offer with news last week & today (maybe) offering SPQ more, causing the artificial pull back on KWG SP. Now if I were Cliff’s I would be picking up every loose KWG share that’s available, what approx. 9.5,000,000 shares right now have traded today on this pending news/halt?

Now we could have a situation where SPQ, NN & Shareholders are tempted to drop KWG for the stand alone offer of say .20 to .25, as some have mentioned here. Test their integrity & loyalty, to the 20 yr. KWG partner with CASH?

Lets say SPQ’s greed gets the best of them & they go for it! After all it could be a double from a base price of .08 to .24! A lot of people could use that cash now!

Cliff’s then controls Big Daddy, extensive land claims & has successfully bought out, out smarted, stolen, the short sighted SPQ management & shareholders, as they said they would two weeks ago for measly double!!! I guess we could hope for another double from UC? Man we are never going to retire at this rate!


After all is consolidated new drill results come out down the road, by way of Cliff’s, showing the riches that were left behind by us…

Lets face it! Cliff’s, as they did with FWR (no more drill results from FWR F2 zone or AT12 which stopped in NI., BTW & the Cliff’s take over was announced), want to stop the drill results from proving up what the majority of shareholders in the ROF all ready know.

It’s extremely rich, & if the juniors are given the time to prove it up, Cliff & or other majors will pay dearly for it! They must stop the drilling at all cost now to save the big cost later for themselves!

& we SPQ & KWG must merge to prove it up!

Just my thoughts, probably way off base on this, but food for though…

& just to be clear I own an even amount of both SPQ & KWG.

Hoping to realize a reasonable return for what is there…


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