Message: Re: What's Tyhee Worth?
Apr 23, 2016 12:58PM
Apr 23, 2016 02:48PM
Apr 23, 2016 08:58PM
Apr 23, 2016 09:39PM
Apr 24, 2016 04:52AM
Apr 24, 2016 08:59AM

In a perfect world, which obviously doesn't exist, Tyhee should be worth $1 to $10 per share (or maybe ten times that).

Try to imagine, if you will, what Tyhee would be worth if the gold price were more accurately valued.

What is an accurate value of the gold price?

Historically, in United States terms, the price of gold should back the amount of currency in circulation. There are other factors which might adjust that figure but that is the basic starting point. Such was actually the case shortly before I was born.

Recent estimates of this reality (i.e. if gold was MONEY as originally required by the constitution as opposed to Federal Reserve Notes) are somewhere north of $50,000 per ounce.

The current system is falling apart; RAPIDLY!

Virtually every country on earth is (with real accounting) bankrupt many times over.

If gold (real money) as opposed to currency, was the basis for exchanging items of value (commodities) Tyhee's corporate value, in currency, would be nearly unimaginable.

Unfortunately I did not recognize the degree of insanity in this system of things when I invested in Tyhee and other mining companies.

Had I fully understood the corruption in all of this world's governmental systems I would have invested more directly in the metals themselves.

However, it appears there exists some chance that before this corrupt system of things passes away, that reality may once again reveal itself.

Paper is paper. It has no value in itself. Gold and silver are monies and have been for the entire history of mankind (except for when mankind has been misled by people called Bankers).

It may just happen, that before human governments are extinguished for all times, that people will once again come to their senses and completely dismiss the supposed wisdom of the Bankers and return to real money once again.


Apr 29, 2016 02:27PM

Apr 29, 2016 02:48PM
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