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Message: EAS


posted on Aug 11, 2009 01:45AM

All in my opinion, please do your own DD. This is not investment advice.

I've taken a fairly large position in this (EAS) over the past week. About half way through my DD at this point but couldn't help buying it before I was done as I watched the likes of Sprott (Cormark) and Canaccord pretty much gobble up every share they could find over the past ten days. A little hesitant to endorse anything in Indonesia, especially anything named Miwah Bluff.... pronounced apparently me wee bluff ...as someone who enjoys poker and can remember bre-x it all seems a little iff'y.

Long and the short is that I don't believe anyone would have the balls to pull a fraud out of indonesia so i'm inclined to believe that it is legit ...and if it is legit, it's the best deposit i've seen since Ventana at least at this stage. The next bunch of holes as they move south should tell if they're into a monster or not.

As always not for the faint of heart, but well worth a look in my opinion.



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