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Message: Ascot is in the right location

All in my opinion, please do your own DD. This is not investment advice.

Thanks and your welcome justfax. I just post what I think, some ideas work and others don't but the last 6 months have really been one heck of a fun ride.

DEC does continue to appear to be the real deal but I continue to watch it closely and if something appears that seems wrong I'll be out in a hurry. $4 and I have my ten bagger :)

The rest of these Stewart plays are perplexing. Amazing holes all around but how are they all coming out at the sametime. I guess you could argue that it reflex the short drilling season and that we're getting the first holes of companies programs in. That being likely the case, either people have found a new unbelievably good method of finding drill targets or there must be some twinning of historic holes happening. Key words I'm looking for are "new discovery" and/or "never drilled before". That all said, a lot of money can be made playing the promo game ...it's just best to discover what you're in, the real deal or a promo before everyone else.



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