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Message: From Australia for tomorrow ..

From Australia for tomorrow ..

posted on Nov 02, 2009 09:00PM
Sovereign Debt Crisis

The Daily Reckoning Australia

Gold Coast - Melbourne, Australia

Monday, 2 November 2009


From Dan Denning in St. Kilda:

--It's going to be a shocker today. Well, not so shocking. The futures markets are predicting a 2.5% fall in Aussie stocks. This follows an awful Friday on Wall Street in which the Dow fell 250 points (2.57%) and the S&P shed 2.81%. A worrying sign (unless you're a bear) is that the volatility index is again on the rise.

--Maybe it's the end of the dollar carry trade (where speculators sell risk assets). Or maybe not. Whether that little thesis turns out to be correct we'll know in due time.

--In the meantime, there are some other things we might learn this week. First up is the TD Securities - Melbourne Institute Inflation Gauge. This will probably show that except for food, fuel, energy, healthcare, and housing, prices in the economy are stable and inflation is contained.

--One quick note about this: there is obviously plenty of inflation in the prices you pay every day. But most consumer price indices are rigged to understate inflation, as our colleague David Evans pointed out yesterday in Canberra at the Gold Standard Institute conference in Canberra. Trimmed medians...hedonic adjustments...there's quite a bit of statistical hocus pocus going on.

--Inflation is evident if you just follow the money. The returns on wealth (rent, capital gains, income from bonds) are accruing to that group that's benefitted the most from low rates. Dr. Michael Hudson called them the 'financial oligarchy' in his recent trip to Australia. This group has benefitted from inflation in the form of higher asset prices. And meanwhile, the Fed and other central banks have been able to say their policies are not inflationary because consumer prices and, more importantly, wages, aren't moving up.


--Is it really a surprise that there's no inflation in wages in a world where tens of millions of workers in emerging market economies are willing to do the same work as those in Western economies, but at much lower prices? Wage deflation is the order of the decade. Maybe the century. You generally won't find inflation in consumer prices or wages. But that doesn't mean it isn't there.

--So what will the Fed and the Reserve Bank do this week? The RBA meets tomorrow and everyone is expecting another rate rise. The Aussie dollar has all but priced it in. The RBA also puts out its commodity price index week and its always exciting quarterly statement on monetary policy which we just can't wait to pore over for signs of continued credit and debt growth in the Australian economy.

--Westpac will also post results this week. If it follows the lead of NAB and ANZ, it will report higher-than-expected bad debts, but claim the bad debt cycle has peaked. Don't be so sure, though. And why not?

--Well, over the weekend, CIT Group Inc. (NYSE:CIT), with US$71 billion in assets, filed for the fifth-largest bankruptcy in American history. CIT is the latest victim of the credit crunch, which obviously still isn't over. It's a commercial lender to small businesses that's been unable to refinance its debt. As a non-deposit taking bank holding company, it has to finance asset growth through securitisation and borrowing, both of which are still pretty hard to do these days.

--CIT's Chapter 11 allows it to restructure under the protection of the courts. Bondholders might make out okay. The U.S. Treasury, though, has already lost $2.3 billion in TARP money it put into the firm. And the biggest losers are the small businesses who will no longer have financing. That's bad news for the real economy.

--As deposit taking institutions, the Big Four Aussie banks are not nearly as vulnerable to this kind of crisis as CIT obviously was. But as we showed last week, Aussie banks still rely on quite a bit of short-term borrowing in the wholesale funds market abroad, borrowing money from foreigners to financing lending here. That's always going to be a weakness.

--Hold everything!

--Last week we warned that a result of the Fed's low rates is that U.S. banks have stocked up on U.S. Treasury bonds and notes to stabilise their balance sheets. We warned that this could put the banks at risk again, IF the value of those bonds was slashed by market forces. You'd get another bank collateral wipe-out which could, if large enough, wipe out equity. Insolvency becomes an issue again.

--But don't underestimate the ability of the bond bubble to go on longer than anyone thinks. The Feds meet this week and will probably not change a thing. Its formal program to buy Treasury bonds and mortgage backed securities with newly created central bank reserves (quantitative easing) can always be extended. So should bond bears like your editor (who agrees that U.S. Treasury bonds are a great short) be wary?


--The reason is a new regulation passed by Britain's Financial Services Authority which lays out new liquidity rules for bank assets. Rolfe Winkler has

--What it DOES do is give the government a way to force new bond issues down the throats of banks. Rather than having to find creditors among the high-saving emerging market nations, governments in the UK and the US would have a captive market in their own financial sector. The banks would gradually gorge themselves on sovereign government debt, provided Moody's or Fitch or Standard and Poor's didn't downgrade the credit ratings of the US and the UK.

--It sure looks like another move toward the nationalisation of the financial sector, although in a very clever way. And the banks probably don't mind that much right now. Trading government bonds with new Fed money was a virtually risk-free trade that propped up bank profits in the first half of the year. It's a good trade.

--But in the bigger picture, as Nial Ferguson and Ken Rogoff mentioned this weekend, this means that

--As we mentioned in our remarks yesterday at the gold show, we believe this marks the beginning of the end of the Super Cycle in paper money. A sovereign debt crisis is the same as saying that the funding model for the fiscal welfare state is broken. Only in this case, there is no organisation large enough to bail out the fiscal welfare state. What does that mean? More on the consequences, and the opportunities tomorrow.

--"This is the first time I've been in Canberra," we began our remarks yesterday. "I spent most of last night trying to figure out what it reminded me of. And then it came to me. It reminded me of Washington D.C., and not in a good way. I spent four years in college living in DC. Both cities make you feel like you've stepped onto a very orderly and sterile brothel."

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