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Message: letter to cftc

Feel free to copy any or all the italicized letter I wrote below and send it to the various members of the cftc. The risk is much greater than the silver price ... the failure of JPM would completely devastate the USA.

Recent gyrations and unexplainable changes in the COT reports for silver appear quite troubling. Reading various analysts including Ted Butler and Dan Norcini along with reviewing documents myself gives me cause for concern over the potential of price manipulation of silver.

If statements made by these individuals are indeed factual, I have grave concern about the integrity of the Comex, and more importantly the potential of yet another financial calamity which if it were to result could make the effects on the U.S. financial system of Bears Stears and Lehman`s failure seem mild.

Indeed there does not appear to be a simple solution if the allegations regarding the short position of JPM is accurate. If the levels reported are indeed accurate I can think of no reasonable explantion recent trades would be sanctioned by the CFTC. I am requesting an investigation into the facts regarding recent trades, and responses to Mr. Butler and Mr. Norcini for any concerns they may have if these trades are indeed correct by the CFTC.

I am further requesting that the collective group address any matter which jeopardizes the institutions in question given their status of "too big to fail". The potential impact on the financial industry of both the USA and the world deserves a thorough investigation and effective managment to avoid a more dramatic failure.

Should such matters not be throroughly and properly investigated and appropriate action taken and a financial crisis arise because of further bank failures relating to short sales of silver, it will be impossible for any of us to say that such a crisis could not be foreseen.

I look forward to hearing from any or all of those addressed that this issue and its implications will be appropriately addressed to secure the future of the financial well being of both the country and the world as well as the integrity of the Comex.

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