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Message: Hopr this never happens where you live.

the real farce will begin ... as a result of the lay-off of police in Alto, the crime rate wil undoubtedly drop. After all there is no crime if you are not caught and who is there to catch acriminal other than an over busy and likely as a result unresponsive county sherriff's officie.

sociological studies suggest that crime rates rise as law enforcement officers increase in numbers. of course ...things like speeding tickets are much different then, rapes and murders etc ... so the big stuff will get worse, but the spin doctors will claim it is now better. roflmao

what confuses the life out of me is ...if federal debt has tripled since the last outrageous budget of bush, is 3 times as much, where is the money going if not to public services ... prior to bush's record spending spree Alto could afford police, but now with 3x more deficit spending then ever before ... they can't

I am beginning a really did fail university math, but wasn't told that.

good luck to all of those who are not subject to the whims of the central bankers as the control the obushma's of the world.


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