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Message: Re: Explain This Please... Ebear

Sep 27, 2011 06:01AM
Sep 27, 2011 09:04AM

Sep 27, 2011 03:48PM

I have been shouting to you, i shorted gold and silver just as the breakout was occuring knowing they needed cover to announce the Euro bailout and get commodities back into the safe area where they can announce more QE while spewing that inflation is not a worry. Did you notice all commodities were sideswiped while the dow was not allowed below 11000 area

Why blab about the money that was made, if you like i will produce a pic of the 7000 sq ft house i bought on an 8 acre estate that was paid for through knowing what i know. Also the fact i am young and retired for 3 yrs now travelling the world the last yr. Paris....Iceland...Egypt just before the revolution, lucky to get out of there in time. Brazil was very nice at the boutique hotel 2 hours north of Rio. Meeting with Ike Batista's people for lunch to explain some gold feelings, checking out his sons 52 million dollar yact, not bad for a 22 yr old, friends of my fiance's son. Spending my time with Anderson Silva, Lyota Machida and Jose Aldo, all world champions. I happen to be good friends with their manager through contacts with my fiance who lives in Rio....i guess i could go on. It will be nice to see big Nog and Little Nog at my place leading up to their fights in Toronto in Dec.

Now there is about 25 % of the bragging done, as far as screaming from the crow's nest, i would rather it be called spending my time trying to inform others of how i became successful.

Anyway get ready for another take down that is likely before any announcement of the Euro bailout. Likely into the lower 1500's, possibly as low as 1484 area...below that is trouble. Could stop at 1480 to 1500.

Cheers everyone

Sep 28, 2011 07:34PM
Sep 28, 2011 08:11PM
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