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Message: When old news becomes new

There is nothing new about the idea India was planning to continue sourcing oil from Iran. Whats interesting is that the dead heads in Washington are so slow to react to something announced weeks ago, a pretty clear sign they are losing control and understanding of their own actions.

India has stated they fully intended to comply with not using US dollars in the transactions and had looked at gold (keep in mind India does not have enough gold but can go to market to buy it so they can buy oil both of which will run up in price as a result) as mutually acceptable way to trade between the countries without violating the edict to not use US dollars to settle the trade. The hegemonistic acts of Bush are now driven by Obama ... truly we are in the Obushma years where the fascist bankers run the show.

India can not agree to falling in line behind Saudi and Iraq's first string customers, nor can they afford to allow the price increases of being last on the list of approved US suppliers of what drives their national growth. Watch for close alignment with China and Russia and a major dagger being thrusted into the chest of the reserve $ exclusive reserve currency status.

The implications of this will make the Lehman collapse seem like the relatively minor beginning leading to the great annihilation of the decayed society.

Seems the US just realized this is the beginning of the end and that they must threaten whom they think they can still control. The logical conclusion to this will be an unprecedented flight towards gold and enormous pressure on the US greatest allies in Europe to re-patriate their gold. When this happens nothing will stop its ascent to where market forces believe it should be and actions by the US fed will be perceived as flailing to avoid collapse.

Failure to bring India into the fold will likely result on an Israel led attack on Iran because US "diplomacy"(sanctionson Iran) will demonstrate their failure.

The reall WWIII is just around the corner.


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