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Message: dovetailed policy

OK, so a target was set on unemployment of 6.5 if projected inflation doesn't get to be more than 2.5%, BOTH zirp and money printing (ooops i mean unsanitized bond purchasing will continue).

Obushma than introduces a possible change in inflation calculation


so people can move from beef to chicken, chicken to pork, pork to soy bean, soy bean to rice and peas, and maybe even start buying larger dog food cans instead of smaller ones that stay fresh longer ... all of this is normal substitution that shouldn't affect inflation .... after all do American's really want a measurement to protect their standard of living or economic improvement?

Its so good to have such creative policy makers to ensure the welfare of the citizens.

Stalin and Kruschev would be jealous of the USA's propaganda machine ... its the best ever and as a number of fellow ozzies point out .... Canadians seem to be a lot more like us than Americans because they seem to know about things outside of their own country ...hmmm

A dumb and compliant population, a magnificent propaganda machine, and by far the biggest military spending in the world ...



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