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Message: Yes ... APPLE ....

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I'd also look at what Denninger has to say on Apple. Just plug apple into the site search, there's lots there.


I know, K.D. is a bit of wingnut but he's been right on the money so far and in fact I took what he said and convinced a friend of mine to get out back around 650. That was no easy job either - we're talking about a long term apple bull, in fact he's my former partner from the software days - we started on the C64 and switched to Macs when they first came out - that tells you how long ago it was. (anyone remember Lisa?) I've been a Mac user ever since so no axe to grind, except to note that computers are now commodities, so it makes little difference what brand you buy. As for the phones, I have no idea - I use phones to talk to people, not travel to alpha centauri, but I'd keep an eye on margins not volume where phone sales are concerned.

Of course the hat trick will be Apple TV, but can they pull it off now that Steve is gone? That's the 64 bit question, I'd say. That's what your money is on if you're buying apple today. Me, I'll wait a bit and see. My partner knows the company inside out and he's sitting this out as well. Of course without me he'd have crashed and burned, so take it for what it's worth.


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