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a different perspective


Two other possibilities that seem more likely:

1. The banks, being in a position to know, see the global economy in decline and are selling oil as they expect the price to fall on weak demand.

2. The banks are in trouble (again) and are unwinding positions because they have no other choice.

FWIW, if cold fusion has anything to do with it (and I seriously doubt it) there'd still be a long lead time before it had a significant impact on oil prices.

My money's on explanation #1. I see all kinds of evidence of economic decline, and that means less driving, less manufacturing and less transport of goods, thus lower oil prices. I forget where I read it, but one of the peak oil guys said exactly the same thing - that peak oil would be preceeded by a major drop in the price of oil that would lead to complacency and a total lack of preparation for the coming crunch. We may be seeing the beginning of that right now.

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