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Message: Nader Announces Release of Report on Coal Mine Safety

Nader Announces Release of Report on Coal Mine Safety

posted on Feb 19, 2008 05:29AM

Nader Announces Release of Report on Coal Mine Safety

A complete copy of the study can be found at:


WASHINGTON, Feb. 17 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The coal mining
disasters that have struck the nation in recent years are the logical
outgrowth of a regulatory retreat by the Bush administration, according to
a report released today by Ralph Nader's Center for Study of Responsive
Law. "Undermining Safety: A Report on Coal Mine Safety" by Christopher W.
Shaw analyzes the state of the nation's coal mine safety program. It finds
that: conflicts of interest have beset top mine safety regulations; the
Bush administration has slashed the inspection and enforcement staffing for
coal mines; top Bush officials have subverted proposed coal dust standards
(and suggested rolling-back standards already in place); and Bush
Administration officials dropped a serious regulatory approach and instead
opted for a "cooperative" relationship with coal mining companies.

Consumer Advocate Ralph Nader said:

I have been involved in coal mine health and safety issues since before
and during the passage of the landmark Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety
Act of 1969. All the data demonstrate that introduction of governmental
health and safety regulations has prevented injuries, disease, and death.
But as Christopher Shaw's report demonstrates, coal operators have
repeatedly acted to undermine the effectiveness of health and safety

The tragic disasters that have recently befallen miners serve to
highlight how the Bush Administration's misplaced priorities are
detrimental to the public interest. The quality of the Mine Safety and
Health Administration's efforts, while Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao
has been at the helm of the Department of Labor, has been poor. The Mine
Safety and Health Administration needs to focus on upgrading and rigorous
enforcement of all standards designed to protect miners.

"For hundreds of years, coal barons have abused and endangered their
workers," says Shaw. "Workers' protection depends not on mine owners'
beneficence but on strong unions and on an independent regulatory
apparatus. The Bush administration has repeatedly abrogated its
responsibility to seriously regulate this most dangerous of industries."

In addition to substantially better governmental enforcement, the
report also recommends that private foundations commit substantial
resources to occupational health and safety issues; that workers' expertise
on workplace safety issues be more fully utilized; that an independent
Ombudsman be established at the Mine Safety and Health Administration; and
that larger civil penalties and stiffer criminal penalties be imposed on
rogue coal operators when appropriate.

According to Mr. Shaw, the AFL-CIO has justifiably criticized President
Bush, who in his 2009 budget cut funding for the Mine Safety and Health
Administration's coal mine enforcement work from $155 million to $145

The AFL-CIO said:

Bush's 2009 fiscal year budget ... drops MSHA's funding for the coal
mine enforcement from $155 million to $145 million. The budget comes on the
heels of a year in which

* 33 coal miners were killed -- including six miners and three rescue
workers at Utah's Crandall Canyon Mine.

* MSHA failed to conduct mandatory mine safety inspections at 107 coal
mines because there are not enough trained, qualified inspectors to do

* It was revealed that MSHA has failed to fine mine owners for than
4,000 safety and health violations its inspectors uncovered since 2000.

* MSHA missed the deadline to issue new federal rules for mine safety
teams and was forced to recruit volunteers from other safety agencies to
help MSHA meet upcoming deadlines or other mine safety rules.

Christopher W. Shaw is a policy analyst at the Center for Study of
Responsive Law. The Center is a nonprofit organization, founded by Ralph
Nader in 1968. The Center supports and conducts a wide variety of research
and educational projects to encourage the political, economic and social
institutions of this country to be more aware of the needs of the

Printed copies of the report are available from the Center for Study of
Responsive Law, P.O. Box 19367, Washington DC. 20036 for $20.00. Checks
should be made payable to CSRL

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