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Focusing on the Dallol Potash Project in Ethiopia

Message: Re: From Monday's update
Jun 25, 2014 05:38PM
Jun 25, 2014 11:10PM
Jun 26, 2014 07:22AM
Jun 26, 2014 03:20PM

Wounded, I don't think Farhad had any chioce with the route he took. If you look at the life cycle of a Junior Explorer, you can see thst initial rise in SP which disapates over the next two to three years--until milestones are reached, mining lic. environmental studies approved, water resc. found, financing secured,etc. and the rise in SP begins again with the institutions getting in and doubling the initial rise in SP.

The problem most people have, including myself, is timing. I was in to AAA years ago and got out. checked it a while ago and got back in. I have doubled my position since last summer, buying at .35-.36,.37. .40.I loss money my first time here but I trust my timing in to AAA is better this time. As many have concluded here, if the dilution is not severe, we should have a normal modest runup of SP.


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