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Focusing on the Dallol Potash Project in Ethiopia

Message: Re: Coming results
Feb 06, 2015 10:21AM

Jubatus... You are correct in that a lot is going on and it appears to me Allana needs to make a decision on the direction here. Stopping the FEED is a big decision and probably cost Allana money in the end unless they continue from where they are at.

We do know the largest Engineering compsany in the world wants to build the project and wants to buy in. They would do their own FEED and design so why continue with the currect FEED right?

As well if ICL decides they want to take both the MOP & SOP then does that change the entire mining process? Again why continue with the FEED.

And finally if these large fertilizer companies talking to Allana want to partner with Allana then there would obviously be two seperate FEED processes for the MOP and SOP production. Which there very well may be anyway.

This next month should be very interesting to see the news IMO and these 500 share trades walkingit down is no coincidence IMO... But I'm sure those Beemates on the other board will say otherwise...

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