Welcome To The Alto Ventures HUB On AGORACOM

Alto Ventures Ltd.: Alto-Wescan Finalize Drill Contract for Mud Lake Project, Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Belt

Message: Alto Announces Addition to Management Team

I should have mentioned more promotion please! Also apologies to Mr Terriss, He is Matt not Richard!

The TSE venture exchange has 1531 mining companies listed as of 31.12.10.

Alto is competing with all these companies for investors just as in any business you compete for customers.

Some of these companies are in "the shop window" with nice presentation and attractive wrappings. The passing public (investors) sees them, talks about them and buys the most attractive brought to their attention.

Alto meanwhile with a very good product lies on the top shelf in the shop gathering dust with a 1200 or so other less attractive products!

In June 2007 with gold at 650, ATV was 10 cents (they even went to 35 cents in November 2007). Now with gold at 1500+ they are 5 cents! Market cap ONLY about $7 million

The public at large has not even started to get interested in Junior golds let alone large gold companies. It is very important that Alto's name is promoted so when the punters start to shop around Alto is noticed!

Sorry for the frustration but from what we have been told we DO have a good product!

Why not tell people about it.

Matt hope you read this!!!

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