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"Friendly aquisition" of Prodigy Gold (Oct. 2012) / > 100k ounces in 2012

Message: happy screw year

Wow, never thought I would say it, but I MISS you guys! Not invested here (yet), but still following this story with interest. I might be back later this year, depending on how another investment turns out ....

That would be CUU ... it's true, rico, that there was insider selling at the end of last year, but that's an annual pattern for David Macdonald, one of the directors. In January, as per his custom, he repurchased all his shares, plus more. Insiders hold a solid majority of CUU shares.

I put all my pennies from the PDG buyout into CUU (had been watching that story for some time). It's not for the faint of heart (but neither was Kodiak/Prodigy). In the next few months, Teck has to decide on its back in option for the Shaft Creek project in Northern B.C. I believe this to be a compelling story and have invested accordingly.

Doc, you're right, you post on the CUU board at great risk to your person. Not a very friendly group over there, at least to new posters. That being said, there is a ton of information available if you're willing to take the time to pick through it all.

The last 2 weeks saw the stock tumble from over $1.00 to a low of .61 to back over a dollar. Give me a buyout from Teck, and I'll be back into Argonaut in a flash (I think it will be easier on my stomach).


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