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"Friendly aquisition" of Prodigy Gold (Oct. 2012) / > 100k ounces in 2012

Message: you are kidding......???????...

A few days ago some smart economists explained the reason why the rich become richer and the middle class will stop existing -- High Tech.

Companies, Traders, Insurers, Bankers etc, all have now technology available which is mind boggling. The problem is that not all are using this the right, legal way, plus regulators are always behind the eight ball to prevent abuse.

Things have to change fast to avoid disaster and it's not through protests and flag waving, but through a radical change of decision making, governing, the end of lobbying and some true representation of the people.

This algorithmus trading gives me the goose pumps, because it might be just an example, there must be, statistically, a lot more schemes like this in existence.

Poor us, like to be traders ( retail ) !!!

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