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"Friendly aquisition" of Prodigy Gold (Oct. 2012) / > 100k ounces in 2012

Message: Re: So what's the reason today??
Aug 28, 2013 05:30PM
Aug 28, 2013 06:49PM


You probably missed a few reasons but the most likly reason is Leprauchan entertainment...

You see the leprechauns control the worlds gold supply and when they need some fun or entertainment they all take ring side seats during market hours and start Fu*king with the different company's .

This week they were all drinking beer down in the bar in Chester NS and Rico happened to be in the bar whining about his wife beating on him for investing in AR and all the other stupid investments she thought he should not be investing in...

So they started selling off AR like mad and the price went for a shi8 and Rico got pissed and they danced around and laughed at Rico and finally the market closed ..Rico was pissed and staggered home and was obnoxious as usual when the misses saw him pissed as a Billy goat so she beat the hell out of him with her broom and threw him in the cellar to sober up..mean while the leprechauns were killing them selves laughing at Rico and then they went up to My place for some chips and Ripple.

Fuc* we had a good time they were killing them selves laughing telling me how pissed Rico was getting and the drunker he got and the more obnoxious he got finally the bartender was going to bar him but he kept telling the bartender that the leprechauns were behind it all and he was leaving anyway.

So Jay,you see today the Lep's are on a sabbatical,and Rico is getting a break..

This is the honest trooooffffff...


Aug 29, 2013 12:49PM
Aug 29, 2013 09:42PM
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